Trip along the Channel of Sio
Siofok – Bicycle way near by Sio-Coast – Siofok

Változatos terepen vezetett, közepesen nehéz túra, amit emelkedők- lejtők tarkítanak.
Biking is fun! (Why biking is so good?) It’s healty, everybody knows that. Also, it offers a great opportunity to spend some time with the people you like to be with – your family, friends, lover or just yourself.
It also makes it possible to become familiar with another face of this beautyful region – not staring out of the car window while driving by but actually spending some time in nature and caring for yourself. This region offers much more for bikers than only an extensive network of bike routes around Lake Balaton. Less busy roads also promise a memorable experience. Both the starting and finishing points are Keszthely for the sake of simplicity. The following collektion of bike routes was not made for professional bikers but for all who feel like going on an excursion in this region by bike.